Saturday, February 4, 2017

How to Cat-Proof Your Home

As many new cat parents have learned the hard way, cats have a real knack for finding all kinds of things that are off-limits and then eating those things. The same goes for playing with things throughout a house that weren't intended to be toys. Since it can feel a little overwhelming at times when you start thinking about all the different things a cat can get into, we want to highlight five of the biggest hazards and how you can overcome them by cat-proofing your home:

1. Even though most cats aren't fans of getting wet, many do like playing with water. While this habit can be a lot of fun if it's expressed through a toy fountain you get for your cat, the same isn't true for a cat playing with toilet water. Not only is playing around a toilet less than ideal in regards to hygiene, but it creates a risk for drowning. That's especially true for kittens and older cats.

2. A toilet isn't the only potential hazard in a bathroom. From medications in the cabinets to harsh cleaning agents underneath the sinks, none of these things would be safe for a cat to ingest. That's why it's important to ensure that these areas are secure from being opened. Some people actually use baby-proofing latches to accomplish this goal.

3. Moving to the laundry room, it's also important to keep all cleaning solutions safely stored away. Additionally, don't forget that cats are drawn to taking naps on or even in dryers, which is why you'll want to adopt a routine of doing a quick check prior to running it.

4. Whether it's on your lamps, curtains or a combination of things, chances are you have at least a few hanging cords throughout your home. Cats are drawn to playing with these types of cords. The problem is what seems like entertainment can pose a risk for strangulation. You can protect your cat against this hazard by bundling the cords and making sure that they're moved out of reach.

5. Another area that your cat may put a lot of effort into accessing is your trash. While the prime spot is a kitchen trash can, it can also happen with trash bins in other areas like the bathroom. Because cats can be so persistent with trying to get inside a trash can, a secure latch is the best solution.

By keeping toilet lids closed, securing all bathroom storage spaces, checking your dryer before running it, bundling hanging cords and securing trash cans with a latch, you'll be able to keep your cat safe from its curiosity. And if you want to be sure that your cat always has access to something that is actually good for it to eat, be sure to check out our all-natural cat food.

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